Go vest, young man
Spent most of yesterday swatching for vests for a new Broadway production. I love doing the theatrical stuff, it’s really fun to knit for a character as opposed to a fashion plate.
I thought it might be interesting to mention how I create my “swatch renderings” of designs I’m working on. When I work up a design (for theatre or otherwise) I first knit up a swatch, then I create a schematic (measured drawing) of the shape of the garment.
Using photoshop I isolate the specific stitch patterns in the swatch and scale it to the correct size.
I use this scaled stitch pattern to fill in the pertinent spaces in the schematic, creating a pretty good image of what the finished garment will probably look like.
How can I always find your blogs about your current stories about your life and how you are progressing? I can do it some of the time, but then the next time that I want to look and see if you have written anything else, it takes me forever to find your blog again.