It seems that there is no power anywhere in the NYC area but in South Orange. How did we become so lucky? Who knows! It’s allowed me to keep the fan on (still don’t have AC) and watch the lights dim every hour or so. Unsettling.
The worst part about these crisises (crisiis?) is the way the local news has an absolute FIELD DAY! Local news sucks – even NYC local news (which is better than most) and it’s painful to watch. Hour after hour of it is absolutely numbing. Thank heaven I have the Ben Franklin bio on video for my knitting enjoyment!
I finished two afghans I was supposed to have finished on vacation – lazy me – and shipped them off this morning! Woo hoo!
Spent the rest of the day working up swatches for the VK submissions tomorrow – although I’m crossing my fingers that everything is delayed at least one business day if NYC doesn’t have power tomorrow either! I’m submitting via email this time – let’s see if it makes any difference!
I did learn that I’d sold several sweaters to a few magazines and a few items to a yarn company, too – a pretty good day, in fact, designwise…
Here’s part of my favorite swatch from today –