I Got Steam…
I saw this infomercial a couple of months ago for the Scunci Steamer (yes, from the hair product company) and fell in love with a steamer. It was small, red and had a very long hose. The woman demonstrating it breathlessly explained that it would clean just about everything and disinfect it, too!
It’s a pipe dream among many fiber artists to own a steamer. I’d long wanted one of the professional Jiffy steamers, but it was just too much of an inve$tment (and rather cumbersome for what I need) I couldn’t see myself dragging it around to fiber shows and classes.
I almost ordered the steamer right off the TV, but held myself back (even though ordering within the next 5 minutes would have snagged me “…this beautiful carrying case and FIVE super-useful attachments!”)
Imagine my joy when my husband called from Drug Mart this week to say he saw my steamer on sale there for $9 less than the TV rate (payable in 3 easy payments of $19.95) and, of course, since he would carry it home there would be no shipping charges! Woohoo!
Well, having used many professional steamers during my time as a costumer and TV wardrobe person, this one is as good as any that I’ve tried. And it disinfects. I’m giddy about it (which is pretty embarrassing, and hesitated to write because I knew I’d gush like a schoolgirl. A schoolgirl with an amazing powerful STEAM CLEANER!)
The sickest part is, using this thing has become like a drug! I cleaned the oven (it looks new) the dishwasher, the stove and all the counters & sink. I moved on to the dining room and cleaned all the dirty, muddy hardware on our sunroom door and all the tiny windows in our French doors leading out to the sunroom (LOVE the squeegee attachment!).
In fact, I cleaned all the windows (they have NEVER been cleaner) and steam cleaned the sink in the bathroom. Then I used my other attachment, the one I’ve designated NOT FOR CLEANING, and steamed some milk to make myself a chai latte. Delicious.
Driving the kids from skating class yesterday I kept thinking, “..and when I get home I can steam the front of the cabinets, then I’ll clean all the mirrors in the bathrooms…”
Being a Virgo AND of Dutch ancestry, this is a dream come true!
Did I mention that I used it to block a sweater for IK on Saturday? I have the editor of that fine mag green with envy over my new steamer!
Oh – this is a knitting blog – here’s a portion of the sweater I’m sending into IK today. It is one of the nicest sweaters I’ve ever done, and the coolest aspect of it (the side to side construction) was a suggestion by Pam Allen at IK – thanks Pam!