Back to the Old Grind!
Old Grind, New grind – I’m having a hard time telling the difference!
Back to the tablecloth for Melanie’s next book – plus a wire project which will be a LOT of fun! Still waiting for the shipment of books (I’m definitely going with a new printer next time!) and I apologize profusely to those who have ordered and are waiting! I’ve been so overwhelmed with personal stuff that I haven’t had the wherewithall to speed up the printers (who had promised a ship date of 5/24!)
I’m doing a new project for IK (2 actually) but missed the last round of submissions due to the ongoing personal funk that I sometimes feel I’m living in. I will have a Ravelings essay in the next IK that has a lot to do with my mom (total coincidence!)
In the mean time, if you’re interested here’s the eulogy that I gave for my mom on Saturday. We released balloons on top of the hill where she is buried. It was 8 months to the day since my brother died.