Set the Table!
I’ve finally finished a rather large project I’d been working on for a few weeks. It’s a big knitted tablecloth that actually has very little knitting (in comparison to the size of the cloth!) I’m not entirely finished – I still have to hem the darned thing and press it out.
It will be included in Melanie’s Holiday Knitting Book, and I was working on it the whole time I was in Texas (and even at the funeral home while sitting with my mother. ) So many of you have written kind notes with hopes that I have found time to knit in the midsts of the turmoil. Yes, I have – I can’t imagine NOT knitting in the past few weeks. Working on the tablecloth was a great comfort – I only wish I could have found a way to knit as I drove!
My grandmother, who was a very good knitter in addition to her other needle skills, hemstitched a lovely tablecloth with some pulled thread openwork and embroidery all over. I’d never seen it – didn’t even know it existed. My mother had it in a drawer and told me about it as I was sitting with her one evening in the nursing home.
It was around this time that she would fade in and out of reality (pain and drugs taking their toll) and sometimes would call me “Mom” I look a great deal like my grandmother, and seeing me sitting there working on a large tablecloth must have seemed to mom as if she’d gone back in time.
I had the funeral director drape grandma’s beautiful tablecloth over the lower portion of mom’s casket while it was in the funeral home, it looked lovely there. Now it’s in a drawer in my home.