Back Home Again!
I’m finally home – and it’s so good to be here! I arrived last night at 8:30 just in time for Gerry to help me carry the stuff in from the car, then we both collapsed. He needs to leave by 3:00 am to be at work by 4:00 (he’s filling in at Fox Channel 5 this week – and as far as we know next week – running teleprompter for the morning news show)
I walked a bit, but slept most of the day so far. Tired, worn out and sore. Catching up on orders that arrived while I was gone (Amazon, BN and Knit Picks have placed new orders – wahoo!) and working on some new ideas for other book stuff.
I received a rejection, but a nice one, from a yarn company – at least it was a letter that was kind, and the writer took the time to thank me personally instead of in some zany form letter. Off these sketches go to a magazine – I think they were all a bit too “editorial” for a yarn company, anyway…
While teaching in MI I was asked by a few knitters why my stuff isn’t in some magazines (as if I know..?) All I can say is that if there’s a mag you’d like me to submit to, please let me know and I’ll send stuff in. By the same token, if there’s a mag you’d like to see carry a few of my designs, let them know – it couldn’t hurt!
Personal Note
… as if this whole blog isn’t one big, fat personal note!
Eleven months ago my dear brother died suddenly of a heart attack. The irony is that he’d been hired and was to start at the American Heart Association the following week, where his wife still works! The week before he died he, Karen and Alex participated in the Heart Walk to raise money for Heart Disease research. Ironic, huh?
My sister in law, Karen, will be walking again this year as part of a different team. If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation in memory of Jim, or anyone else you know – or in honor of someone – or just anonymously – please visit her AHA donation page and consider tossing a few bucks to the #1 killer of women (stroke is #3) – and take a nice walk today!