The Adventure Continues!
Today I attended the Dr. Phil show – the topic was “Is your child a serial killer” – lots of yuks there. Pretty dismal, actually, and disturbing. They confiscated my bag – no books, printed matter or anything else could be taken in. They wouldn’t let me take my little ball of Noro Daria and a size G crochet hook. Dismal. What a waste of a day – 10:00 am – 3:30 and no knitting, just lots of sitting. No reading (except the 8 page Dr. Phil newsletter which was about as newsy as a 5 year old Readers Digest and used up a full 20 minutes of the waiting time!)
Oh, well – you get what you pay for! I should have gone to see Sky Captain instead!
Don’t get me wrong, I like Dr. Phil’s show, but if they’re going to make you wait for hours and hours and hours, I don’t see why you can’t bring a book to read! They said my crochet hook was a security threat.
Then on to Burbank to visit Unwind, a really sweet little shop on Hollywood Way. I’m getting to know my way around pretty well… The owner, Stephanie, was very gracious and a blast to sit and talk with for a few minutes. Honestly, at this point I’m so fried that I barely remember my middle name, but what a lovely, clear, roomy, spacious and calm shop it was! I could have stayed there all day sitting and knitting (or – in my case today – crocheting!)
Careful, I’m armed and dangerous. Automatic assault weapons are legal, but watch out for those crochet hooks!