15 Inches?
They are telling us that we’ll be getting 15″ of snow today where I live. Up to 3″ per hour.
Maxie has a birthday party in the later afternoon – it’s local, just downtown near the supermarket – but if the snow starts in the late morning and we get 3″ per hour by the time the party starts we’ll have 9+”
I’m hoping that the party will still be able to happen – he’s really been looking forward to it, it’s one of his best buddies (a train friend!) and we got the little birthday boy a serious book of train identification. Gerry got it, he’s good at picking out these kinds of gifts! Bear in mind that this is a kid who, at 7, already has many parts of our train schedule memorized. No wonder Max likes him!
The impending nor’easter, though, has prompted the cancelling of my knitting with wire class out in Long Island. Wise choice! I, of course, was all for it, “I can drive out – no big deal!” That was when I though we’d be getting 8″ at the most. The shop, 3 Black Sheep, is looking into rescheduling for March.
This leaves me with a wonderful day I hadn’t expected to have – I can get SO MUCH done on the calendar – yippee!! I’ve been feeling under the wire – pressure I’m putting on myself – but I look forward to the weekends as long, unbroken lengths of time when Gerry’s with the kids and I can edit to my heart’s content. I may set myself up with my computer in the living room so I can do it warmly (my office is friggin’ freezing!) I need to work up a pair of fingerless gloves for ME!
I apologize for not crochet calendar changing the pattern of the week – it’s gotten away from me as I barrel through pattern after pattern, trying to match each of them to the same style and editing the photos. Perhaps I’ll get to THAT this weekend, too!
Once nice thing is that, if anything, the level of submissions has RISEN. This gives me a head start on the 2007 Calendar.