Sick & Sicker…
This week we’ve had everyone in the house with some variation on this fever/headache/sore throat thing that is ripping through the schools in South Orange/ Maplewood.
Max was ill, then he was better. The he was ill again. As he was getting better, Hannah came down with it. Max is well enough to go to school today, but Hannah’s sicker than ever. And I woke up with a killer sore throat (but no other symptoms). Ah, parenting school aged children!
The kids teachers have been out repeatedly, which is VERY odd. Once this thing strikes, it just keeps coming back. Welcome to early Spring in NJ!
I’m the cookie mom again. Hooray.
Every year our troop finds a group that we send cookies to as a donation. This year we decided to donate cookies to our troops overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. No matter how one feels about the war (and our school tends to be on the liberal side) everyone wants the troops to be loved, comforted and remembered. I’ve been sending letters and knitting stuff to soldiers through – a wonderful website – and decided that this might be a good venue to send some cases of girl scout cookies.
If you’d like to donate a box, click here You’ll have to order the cookies one box at a time (I can’t figure out how to change the donation button, and I’m just too head-achy to stress over it…) We will use any profit we make from the cookies (our troop makes $.60 on each box we sell) to pay for shipping overseas.