But I will never drink Diet Pepsi again.
After a lot of green tea, water, and pretzels I’m feeling much like myself again. Amazing how dizzy I became (and stayed!) over the past day or so. Who would have thought? I don’t really drink much (maybe a glass of wine a month) and don’t smoke so I might be extra sensitive to such a large intake of the stuff. Ick. Eeeewwwwww. It’s over.
Here’s something I’ve been working on for IK I did the multi colored sleeves while at Camp Wellstone. I have several other sweaters that are due at the enc of next week along with the calendar (oy) and a book that I MUST get to the printer. The distributors are restless.
I found out last week that several of my crocheted items will be in the next IK Crochet issue – I’m very happy! I loved the last issue and I’m thrilled to see really exciting patterns out there for crocheters.
Thanks so much to EVERYONE who wrote with their own nauseating experiences. The absolute winner was the woman who was (somehow) peed in the eye by a squirrel. I laughed and laughed when I read that – it sounds like some old, strange Transylvanian curse – May your children be peed in the eye by a rabid squirrel!
And thanks to everyone who wrote about seeing me on Knitty Gritty! Your comments are so nice – even better since I haven’t seen it myself. As ill as I was it would have been a VERY bad idea. The book sales have taken a definite upswing in the past few days – so that’s good, too!