Last night felt so good – I got home, did a little knitting, and then slept like a sinless child. Nice. On these evenings that are chilly Atticus (now that he has his Spring haircut) wiggles his way under the covers between Gerry and me as we’re sleeping, and I’ll awake in the middle of the night to find a little doggie head on the pillow next to mine. Very odd (sweet, but odd…)
Classes this weekend were exceptional!
Yarnivore is a great shop – stop by if you’re in the Bklyn Heights / Metrotech area of Bklyn – wonderful! The class went beatifully – Rose’s students were a delight! What a burst of positive energy I felt as I drove home from that class! Thanks Rose, for having me!
Three Black Sheep is one of the best stocked (intelligently stocked) small shops I’ve visited! They don’t have the room of one of the bigger yarn stores, but they make up for it by having really exceptional yarns and excellent tools. The knitting with wire class there is always a bit of a marathon (a combination of a large class, a small venue and a lot of squeezing myself between tables & shelves takes it’s toll) but – as usual – a very enjoyable class! As an extra lovely touch, they always give me some lavendar as I leave, which makes my car smell like a spa!
Tonight I drive up to Westchester for a lecture at the Chappequa library for the Westchester Knitting Guild. I love this group so much, I always enjoy my time with them! Then I have almost 2 weeks off while I prepare for TKGA and California. I’m looking forward to this – a chance to rewrite sections of my class booklets, re-name some classes and do some administrative house cleaning!