Two things happened in the past few days that make me reflect on my journey to the land of established hand knit designers (are we there yet?)
1. I was approached by VK and by a yarn company to either resubmit something I’d sent in months ago (which was rejected at the time) or to submit to an independent third party (a new fashion-forward, more trendy knit mag). I take these both as good signs that I’m being thought about when editors get together to think of new directions for upcoming issues.
2. I received an email from a fan who innocently used the phrase, “…for a period of time there, you were quite prolific!!!!” – which was really nice of her, but also made me feel like I’d somehow slept through my glory days. Which, of course, isn’t true – life always has interesting twists and turns, ups and downs, and I love a good roller coaster ride! (6 weeks until Cedar Point!)
The summer I turned 40 I thought about traveling around the country and trying to ride 40 different roller coasters to celebrate. I couldn’t make it happen – but maybe someday…
I need to step up my computer savvy in dealing with the blogs. Someone kindly wrote to me about how to set up my blog to feed so that folks can tap into it, but of course in my busy past few months I’ve mislaid that email. Anyone else – any suggestions? The sound I hear is the rushing of technology past my computer.