Missing TNNA
I won’t be going out to Columbus this weekend for TNNA, which really makes me kind of sad. I’d love to go – it’s so good to connect with the whole knitting world (and crochet & needlepoint, etc.) but after traveling this past week – and with teaching commitments away from home the last two weekends in June, I just don’t see how I can do that to Gerry, the kids or myself… Oh, well.
I was supposed to be editing all vacation, but a miscommunication about bringing our computers out to Ohio “I thought YOU were bringing the computer…” so I’m behind on Cheaper than Therapy. I apologize, mea culpa, I’ll get deep into it this week. I promise. Really.
I also need to edit an essay for IK, which will be arriving later than I’d intended. It’s finally hot here in NJ (it’s been so temperate and cool all Spring) and with the heat comes a Tennessee Williamsesque desire to dab my temples with a perfumed handkerchief and drink fountain cokes on the back porch. The first rush of heat in the summer is the hardest to deal with – the Springtime expectations are still working (I’m going to do this, and this and I’ll even do this!) and the reality of dealing with the heat hasn’t yet sunk in (I’ll do that this evening, when it cools off a bit…)
We’re not an air conditioned family – we have a unit in Hannah’s room because she has a southern exposure which gets really steamy on hot days, and I have a very small unit we’ll put into my office because I get no air flow, but aside from that we get by with a large exhaust fan in the attic and ceiling fans in all rooms. Generally it’s just fine – we have a few warm days, but usually it’s nice and comfortable. These first few hot days take some adjustment, though. Just think, I could be in a nice, air conditioned hotel room in Columbus, Ohio!