A huge thanks to all of you who wrote to me privately or commented – you really helped me put things in perspective.
I know it’s a little crazy, gutsy, self-involved to go on about jealousy – but it’s a big part of what I was dealing with yesterday (as a designer) so I figured it was pertinent.
Gerry put an air conditioner in my office and suddenly the world is much nicer. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh. Suddenly I’m not so evil-ish jealous of the rest of the world. I’m able to tame a lot of my jealousy into admiration.
I loved what Pubah said in her comments yesterday. It sums up how I’ve felt about favorite authors, designers and falling in love. You may not love the best person in the world, but if it’s a good love, then they’ll be the best person for you. Not every pot can use the same lid. My favorite author is GBS, but I realize that he has great failings as a writer (and also as a human being). However, his plays – and even his novels – speak to me in a way that other writers haven’t. I don’t love him because he’s the BEST writer in the history of the world, but because his style suits me best. Thank you to everyone for reminding me of this, and helping me to put this in perspective.
And now, out for a walk to deliver some Burning River Pale Ale to a good friend down the street who’s from Cleveland. I picked it up from the Great Lakes Brewery while in Ohio (actually, I picked it up from Bassets grocery outside of Marblehead – an AMAZINGLY wonderful employee owned store!)
And I have another delivery of beer to my good friend who cut my hair last night. It looks so good – it was exactly what I needed! My friend Holly is absolutely amazing – poet, teacher, mother and sensational hair femme. She was once listed in New York mag as one of the top colorists in nyc, but she can’t handle the chemicals any more. She just came out with her 4th book of poetry – Jello Dogs – and it’s spectacular! I’m trying to convince her to get a blog, I think she’d really shine…