Pet or Meat?
I’m not making our Yarrrn Pirate’s group tonight because we have a new family member. The rabbit lives!
I was studiously ignoring the neighborhood children who were trying to get my attention Rotton kids, I’m trying to count! Apparently Butkis, our older cat, had gone after his 4th rabbit in as many days and he was trying to leave it on the front porch.
But, unlike the other 3, this one lives. It’s ALIVE!
So we dressed it’s wounds as best as we could (hydrogen peroxide?), gave it a tiny bit of milk (it seemed to take it – wonder of wonders) and now it’s sleeping in a shoebox on a nice hand towel. When it seems better we’ll release it to the wilds of South Orange, NJ so it can become kitty fodder again.
Here’s a pic of the bunny that has kept me from my knitting group. And it’s not even angora!
Gerry just blew Max’s little mind when, upon announcing, “I have a new loose tooth!” Gerry responded, “Max, maybe your mouth is just too tight…”
Corset Along
I’ve had a few folks write and ask me if there is a corset along, could I start a corset along, yada yada yada. So here it is. Someone help me – is this how one does these things? It is incredibly unseemly for the designer herself to do the insert garment here-along?