Rest for the Weary
It seems to take longer and longer for me to feel recovered after teaching gigs – who knows why!
I came home Sunday, drove back from CT where I had an amazing time (and I’m pretty sure my students did, too!) and immediately crashed. Then when I got up I knit a little, then went to bed at 7:00 and slept all night. Today I worked a bit – not much – napped for 2 hours – and now it’s off to the kids’ Ice Cream Social at their school.
Since it’s our last week of school, there are activities every day. Tomorrow morning is the Authors Breakfast in my son’s class where the kids read stories they’ve written. The day after that is my daughter’s class Bagel Breakfast. That’s the last day of school, so on Thursday we’re leaving with a good friend and her son to go to Hershey PA overnight so the kids can go to Hershey Park. It will be a lot of fun, and on Friday we’ll revisit the park for a little bit, then I’ll drive on to Maryland to teach and the kids will return home to NJ with my friend.
So the upshot is that this week I don’t think I’ll have a lot of time to blog – I’ll try when I can, but the kids only have 1/2 days of school on Tues and Wed (no school on Thurs & Fri) and that makes it hard to carve out time to write!
I continue editing Cheaper than Therapy – it’s going really well – and continue to await word on the book my agent’s been calling me about for the past few weeks. I sort of feel that if I don’t let myself get TOO excited it actually may come to pass…
At the start of next week I’ll have new sketches and swatches to send off to a yarn company – I’ve had some great ideas, but they may be too ‘editorial’ for the company in question. Generally yarn co’s like designs that are very simple and require less pattern support than magazines. They’re not in the business to develop cutting edge designs, but to sell yarn.
My corset is doing very well. Art Yarns is interested in working with me on more designs (I had originally worked up the corset in Spirit Trail Fibers, but when it was released to me I re-worked it in Art Yarns because they offered to distribute the pattern for me. This is great news for me because I absolutely LOVE the yarn. It’s also a wonderful outlet for some of the best stuff I design which isn’t a good fit for the magazines at the time I send it in (like the silk corset, which was submitted once upon a time to all the mags, and turned down each time!)
Like I always say, being rejected is NOT an indication of the worth of a design, but of the needs of the specific magazine at the time of submission! That helps keep me sane.