News Flash!
The papers aren’t signed yet (so why in the world am I writing…?) but I’ve been approached by and have agreed to write a book on Knitting With Wire for an actual publisher. Yes, someone with offices in New York with elevators and everything!
At this point the project looks like it will be tips, how to’s and at least 20 projects (all jewelery) for the knitter to work up with wire. I’m very nervous, but quite happy – actually thrilled! – and sort of not believing it.
Is another knitting with wire book needed? Who knows… I like Nancie Wiseman’s book a lot, but I’m hoping this will fill a void for a resource for many hand knit wire projects. We’ll see… I feel like it’s still pretty much an open market, and given the interest in and success of my knitting with wire classes, I’m hopeful that this book will be popular!