And in honor of Ms. M’s great day, I’m organizing and archiving all of my files on CD’s (I do this every month or so) to protect myself from some horrible computer meltdown.
Actually, the only reason I remember Martha’s b’day is that it’s exactly one month before mine (take note…) and exactly two months before Hannah’s. My brother was April 3rd, so that tends to be a big birthday date for us. Max is the 31st, so at least he has a “3” in his. Gerry is 2/5 – yeah, I guess we could make that work in some numerological way. Remember when Elle used to have a numerologist make predictions in each issue? Remember when Elle used to run a sweater pattern in each issue? Wow – what a concept!
I still don’t have my new computer – apparently just as Gerry was ordering it, Apple changed configurations so he waited two weeks and now we’re getting a better computer (more memory, faster) at about the same price. Yeah!
Vogue Knitting has a new feature on their website, an interview with a designer in the current issue. I’m the designer this issue and you can read the interview if you click on the link.