I did so badly in French in college (and in High School for that matter – WHY did I keep tormenting myself…?) but I do remember that August was aoàut – Oooo.
Everyone seems to be on vacation, or working harder than ever (hmmmm, I guess that equation DOES make sense…) so I find myself either speeding like a maniac through miles of work, or waiting (impatiently) for folks to get back to me. Hurry up and wait, indeed.
I’ve been gratified by the response to my cry for sample kntters. Please know that if I’m not able to use you for this Men who Knit book, I will ALWAYS be looking for folks to test knit patterns (and you’ll get to keep the item!) so I’ll keep your name on file!
Test knitters don’t have to be expert, they just have to be careful.
Sample knitters have to be able to produce a professional quality garment.
Both knitters have to love what they’re doing – or else it’s no fun!
Cheaper Than Therapy is at the printers! Releases are in (or on their way….) pages are proofed, cover is finished and orders are already coming in.
I’m going for a small print run to start (and because I have limited resources – this is all out of my bank account!) and I’m hoping that the demand will grow. I’ll be very happy to break even because I feel that there’s a bigger reason to do this (although I can’t quite put into words what it is – I feel compelled to for some reason.)
… and the wire book moves on… It’s now a knitting and crochet with wire book, which is good on many more levels than it is a pain. I’ve been away from the wire book for 2 weeks and now walking back into it feels odd. I need a day or two to acclimate myself again, but any day now I should be receiving some thinner wire from Artistic Wire which is much better for crochet. Here are a few of the recent knit with wire items that I’ve finished (but haven’t sent into the publisher yet…) A Rose Pin and an Autum Leaf Necklace. Neither of these pieces has any beads on it.
My revised contract arrived today, it specifies 20 projects, broken into an equal number of necklace, bracelet and earrings. I’ve sent them 16 pieces so far, 7 bracelets, 8 necklaces and 1 pin. As I have very few earrings worked up, and none sent in, I’d better get cracking…
Geez, I could use that very fine wire right about now…