So, it’s a month until I go to LA and in honor of that I’ve started working out this week.
Actually, it started on Sunday with the rowing on Central Park lake (that’s why the lady is a tramp) which felt SO good that I went to the gym and rowed on Monday. Then I did the bike and noticed that they have CNN at the gym (which we don’t – we don’t have cable) AND I noticed that one TV was devoted to C-Span. Hmmmm.
So today I finally took my tour of the gym, tried the other machines, and burned 125 calories on the recument bike (just about 1 donut). Yea, baby! I’ll be so buff for Knitty Gritty you won’t even recognize me!
Here’s what I’ll be teaching in LA (more classes will probably be added…):
Attend the Tale…
Gerry told me that he bought me tickets to Sweeny Todd for my birthday. We’ll be going sometime in November. You have to understand that this is my all time FAVORITE show! I saw it in London and NY and every chance in between. Someday, someday… I want to play Mrs. Lovett. Just once.
He says the seats aren’t very good – up in the heavens – but I don’t care. It will be the first B’way show I’ve seen in so long – I have to go get the original cast recording and start singing along in my PT Cruiser TODAY!