Marty was a member of our local knitting group – we call ourselves the Yarrrn Pirates – and was loved by all of us. She passed quite suddenly and I was stunned to receive a package from a friend of hers with a note to that effect and a few lovely squares she’d worked up for a project our group is doing together. I was in the PO sending off books when I opened the package, and when I saw how lovely her pieces were – and that they were most likely the last few things she’d knitted – I could hardly keep from crying.
Hannah was with me – she knew Marty, too. I explained to her what had happened and the usually crusty PO clerk softened a bit and was really quite nice as the boxes moved from my side of the counter to his.
We will miss Marty a lot. She was one of those peripheral friends we all have – someone I’d see every two weeks or so, but I was always glad to see her! She tried new things with her knitting and she was open to new friendships – who can do better than that?