My cousin sent me this – apparently it’s a woman walking to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer (yea!) but it also looks like a new Superhero(ine)
Created fully formed from the brain of an IBM Selectric Correcting typewriter, traveling through time and cyberspace from one computer to another, our valient heroine spreads the word that we all can win the fight against Breast Cancer
(…and other cancers – and Heart Disease, the #1 killer of women in the US)
by living well, eating right, exercising
& funding research.
Funding research means giving money. It also means walking for the cure, and contacting your government representative to let them know that this is important to you.
You also might want to read this, and act upon it if it makes you feel frustrated.
When I was a kid in Ohio, when someone was, in Dutch it meant they were waaaaaay big in trouble. We’d stand around like a bunch of little Amish and say, “Ummmm, you’re in DUTCH!” I have no idea where this came from, but it is amazing how many negative phrases revolve around Dutch (dutch treat – both folks pay; dutch uncle – a stern critic) when they’ve been such an open society. Oh, well – must be jealousy. Of course, my grandmother’s family was Dutch – Wolfe – but it was so long ago that it feels odd to even mention it!
In the Netherlands there also resides the fastest knitter in the world. Seriously. She has to live somewhere (and doesn’t necessarily have to be a woman – that was sexist of me, sorry!) and the place is Holland. We’ve struck up an email correspondence over the past year – she knit my corset a few months ago. This weekend she was on Dutch TV demonstrating her own method of knitting, which seems to be a bit like Combination, but not having seen her knit in person I can’t speak intelligently about it. Her name is Miriam Tegels, (sorry, MT!) and I’m so proud that she chose to wear my corset on TV – thanks, Miriam!
Speaking of the corset – two weeks from today I’ll be in front of a camera in LA taping a segment on Knitty Gritty on the corset. I’ll be offering an easier, simpler, less shaped version of it on the Knitty Gritty site – so stay tuned if you wanted to work this up, but felt put off by the increasing, decreasing and lace! If all goes well I will be wearing the simpler version – and yet here I am eating a piece of CAKE (what am I thinking?) for breakfast. Okay, it’s angel food cake, but it’s not whole wheat.