I spent the day playing catch up for lost time over the past 2 days. Add to that the need to finish the wire book manuscript and get THAT out the door to the editor and a busted printer (I am ready to re-enact the scene from Julia where Jane Fonda throws the typewriter out the window) and at 10:30 I realize I haven’t packed.
Books arrived – but not the ones I was expecting – so I’ll be traveling with lots of Confessions but no Therapy (damn!)
It’s raining – has anyone noticed that?
I had a brainstorm to create pdf files of my handouts and post them in a file on my server, so now no matter where I am I can download them and print them if I need to. I need to figure out a good system to travel with a laptop (which is in the shop right now). I promise myself that if I sell another book I will get myself a new laptop. Life is very different than it was a year ago – I am very lucky and blessed to be stressed, as they saying goes. I will never complain about being busy, because for so long I was intimately acquainted with the alternative.
I’m jazzed to teach this week – and it’s nice that I have a day between most of my classes (and a chance to visit some good friends in the Boston area – some old, and some new – a bright spot on the trip!) I’m teaching stuff I love, no classes that I’m dreading (yes, that happens sometimes…) and going to a part of the country that makes me happy. New England in the Fall – what could be better?
I was going to try to swing by Rhinebeck, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Aside from the rain, I need to be in two places at one time and can’t really justify the extra gas. I’m sad about that – I love Rhinebeck – but it’s just too far out of the way.
I’m also pretty psyched to see Webs – I’ve heard a lot about it, it will be nice to visit the shop! When next you hear from me, I’ll be on the road – again.