I’m visiting a friend – a good friend – with a good husband, nice pets, lovely home, but her computer hates me. I won’t go into it, but when I left to get coffee and returned to the computer in the middle of typing an email the page was filled with haiku-ish gobbledy gook which was eerily similar to “All work and no play makes Annie Go Nuts..”
Maybe the computer really likes me and it’s trying to tell me something…
So far my trips been great – an excellent class in West Hartford at Sit & Knit, then a stay with a new friend (on a LAKE no less!) in Trumbull. She’s the owner of Lula’s yarn shop and after a bit of break to have 2 of the cutest baby boys you’ve evern seen (these kids are extraordinarily gorgeous)she’s going to jump back into the yarn shop again. Staying at her home was like staying at a beautiful Inn – and, did I mention – it was on a LAKE?
Then up to Boston where I FINALLY got to meet – live and in person – Grumperina! What a thrill (and how odd to realize that I’m just a few years younger than her parents – yikes!) We sat and knitted a bit – she very kindly let me use her computer (which LIKED me – it’s a mac) and then we went off to the North End to have dinner with Lissy Friedman, the copy editor for Cheaper Than Therapy (also a chance to meet a up-to-then cyber only connection!)
I’m in Northern Mass today – I’m on my way to Newberryport to visit my friend (who workes at a yarn shop!) then on to Webs this evening. This traveling without a laptop is insane, I really need to have better connection to my patterns, work, life, contacts when I’m on the road!
If you’ve tried to email me and I haven’t been back to you, please know that in the 8 hour window when I’m back in SO I’ll be in touch. Life is grand!