Is there any sight nicer than the Dad loading heavy luggage off of the carousel while Mom basks in the glow of two fine redheads? We were all thrilled to see each other, that’s for sure!
This morning at 6:30 (!) the freeway in LA was packed – it looked like evening rush hour and I would have taken a photo but I don’t have the same skills as some driving bloggers I know of!
Home to some hugging and chinese food – tucking the kids in bed and now I’m off myself to the king sized dream machine. In the way of all of my trips, the moment I could relax (rental car returned, baggage checked) I begain sneezing with a vengeance and I’m going to tuck myself in with some alka seltzer cold stuff tonight.
Tomorrow I drive to DC for the Destination Knits Retreat – then on to Knit Happens on Sunday for some classes – then home for a week before I teach at The Point in NYC on Friday, Knitting Central in Westport, CT on Saturday and Now & Zen out on Long Island next Sunday. This is what we in the knitting industry refer to as making hay while the sun shines.