Christmas was pretty great – as low key as we could make it and still have a noisy, toy filled day for the kids! Lots of clothes (Max totally NOT excited, Hannah more so, but both really wanted TOYS!) and a few good choices with the toys. The day ended with friends coming over for the lighting of the Menorah and more gift giving. Max acquired a plug-in TV game where he can fight with a sword `a la Lord Of The Rings and he was transported. So far we’ve avoided video games, we don’t have cable and the kids either watch TV in the basement play room or the living room, so this interactive thing is a great leap (forward?) for us. We’ll need to get used to it…
I was holding out for the interactive knitting game, but it didn’t come through.
I’ve been knitting so steadily and so constantly that I’ve done the painful index finger split that many knitters are familiar with. My right index finger is in sad shape so it’s bandaged up (I prefer the Nexcare waterproof bandages – it took me YEARS to find a band aid that would stay on and also not impede my knitting!) I usually carry around a few boxes of these when I teach and pass them out liberally, but I’ve run out so I’m using bargain basement Curex and I’m ready to write Nexcare a testimonial.
My mother in law is visiting and it’s been just lovely to have her here! As the kids get older I see a bit more connection with Grandma, and I can tell that she’s gratified that they both are learning their blessings, etc., and are both so excited about Hebrew school. Max woke me up the other day asking me what the Hebrew word for dress was, and I had no idea. Thank heaven for the internet.
I’m giving two of Hannah’s friends Learn to Knit Socks kits that I made up for them – yarn that I love, some needles and a pattern along with lessons this week on making a toe up sock.
Most of Hannah’s friends knit, but these two are her best friends – they’re really into the sticks and string and are quite good. But they haven’t progressed beyond a scarf and it’s high time they did! At Hannah’s school they have a great knitting program for the kids, they knit during lunch hours in the winter when going outside isn’t always possible. Hannah went a lot the first year, but lately she hasn’t. I asked her why and she said, “The last time I went one of the mothers told me I was knitting wrong.“
Go Figure.