I’m SO tired. Tired, tired, tired. My legs and ankles ache, my joints are sore, but I really have a lovely day.
I was going to go out to dinner with Mereceds of Knit Nouveau and her husband, but when I got back to my hotel room and saw them turning the bed down, I knew that there would be no leaving the room for me tonight! Oy.
The Artyarns booth is really lovely – the yarns are gorgeous and the new yarn, Silk Rhapsody, is just stunning. A blend of silk and mohair, it’s so much fun to work up, and looks amazing when it’s knit. It was, hands down, the hit of the booth and I hope that a lot of shop owners take advantage of Iris’s offer to sell this wholesale to shops one skein at a time, separately so they can take a few colors without too huge of an investment to see how the yarn goes over at their shop.
The best part of the day was seeing old friends, shop owners I’d worked with before and brand new friends I hadn’t yet met in person. I briefly say Edie Eckman (we have to get together and chat!) and finally met Beth Casey at Lorna’s Laces. She said when she saw me she’d kiss me on the mouth, but I’m afraid I ducked. Chicken me. I finally met Trish Malcom from Vogue in person (yahoo!) and the folks from Namaste Needles.
I ran into old friends Gwen Bortner (we’re going to have breakfast on Monday) and Stefanie from Knitty Gritty. It was good to see Nicky Epstein and we discovered that we both share the West Virginia connection AND are married to nice Jewish boys. I just love her work! I got to meet the editor of Yarn Market News and some of the folks at Potter who I hadn’t yet met.
Tomorrow I’ll pack up and check out of Chez Precious, drive to the convention center and spend an hour strolling around and at the Artyarns booth. I’ll head out for Alpine around 11:00 and teach for 3 hours, then return to the convention center for more schmoozing until the Potter party for their new and soon-to-be (me!) authors. Then I check into Motel 6…