The Olympics are here – tada! I loved the opening ceremonies (okay, I missed most of them watching the 2 hours of Arrested Development) and feel the pain for Michelle and the joy for Emily. I’m knitting my own piece(s) for the Knitting Olympics (even if I didn’t register in time)
I’m doing a decathalon of knitting and crochet pieces because I just have a buttload of knitting to get done. I need to create some swatches for some new designs, and then there’s the bathing suit (which I ripped out and restarted the day of the opening ceremony, so that counts, right?) Mostly, though, I just need to finalize yarn choices and the only way to do that well is to swatch, swatch, swatch. The de-swatch-athon.
Every evening NBC, which is broadcasting the Olympics here in the States, gives the scores for the events which took place earlier that day in Torino. As these events are to be broadcast that night in the US, the announcer tells the audience that if they don’t want to know who won they should turn their backs until the bright Olympiad music is over.
Does it seem to anyone else that this is a metaphor for other things in our lives right now? I was struck – no, dumbfounded by this article.
Are we all turning our backs until our freedom of speech rights have sailed away – when we hear the music stop, will we turn around again and wave goodbye?