The drive down was great – I feel like I’ve had a jump start on Spring! Gerry packed up the car for me last night, I sent the kids off to school this morning (that was a hard goodbye!) and stopped by the library to pick up some books on CD so I could get through bad-radio areas with as little button tango as possible.
One of the books I took out was Presumed Dead I love the Peter Whimsey mysteries (I prefer to think of them as the Harriet Vane mysteries) and I guess this one was recently written as a continuation of a manuscript Dorothy Sayers started. It’s keeping me entertained as I drive through the VERY beautiful countryside. I may have the title wrong, but I’m too lazy to go down and get it out of the car…
I stopped at the Plow & Hearth outlet shop and picked up some stuff – always a good place to get some toys for the kids or some euro-shoes for me (they have my size – hooah!)
Tomorrow I go on to Atlanta and settle in before I teach. I have to say that it feels SO good to not need to rush like a maniac, this taking an extra day to get here is a very good idea. Thanks doc!