For the past few days it’s been hard to do much posting – sorry about that! I’ve just barely had time to run into a Panera or Starbucks and check my email before I had to rush off somewhere new to teach.
After leaving Alabama on Sunday I drove to South Carolina where a group of women from the knitting guild welcomed me with a pot luck (I had forgotten about the time change from AL to SC, so I arrived an hour later than I thought I would! Luckily they went ahead and ate, I would have felt terrible if they’d waited for me!)
My hostess, Sue Esser was an absolute dream – so kind and so wonderful! She and her husband took me out for one of my best breakfasts while on the road and made me feel as if I were already home.
The guild itself was so great – I taught one class during the day which went beautifully. Yes, it’s true I had to slap one of the students around a little, but deep down she enjoyed it… We laughed a lot – it was VERY enjoyable for me – I hope it was half as much fun for everyone else! Later that evening – after a quick bite at Panera – I spoke to the entire guild and it was a FABulous group (and I mean that in the good sense of the word, ladies…)
Goodbyes all around the next morning – Farewell, Cynthia, I will miss you… and – surprise! – Deborah (the deserving slappee from the day before) surprised me with a video of my hands knitting. I’ll post that later when I have a chance to sleep…
I was so lucky that Cynthia – the guild president – contacted me to come down. It was just good timing, and it added so much to my trip! I hope they enjoyed my time with them as much as I did!
I drove up from Greenville, SC to Ashville, NC on Tuesday morning and arrived at Yarn Paradise just about in time for the class (yes, I got lost… but no one needs to know, right?) I think I was a little stern at the start of the class because I put the fear of Annie into my students, but soon I assured them that I woudn’t bite (but I might slap – sorry Deborah!) and we all had a fine time. It was an interesting class because the skill levels spanned a wide range, but EVERYONE did a little ribbing, cabling without a cable needle and EVEN a little lace. All in Combination Style.
Renee, who owns YP (WHAT a tremendously stocked shop!) invited me to stay with her, so after a delicious Italian dinner with my 2 editors from Lark I crashed at Renees and slept like the dead!
Today before I drove home I stopped by Lark at 7:30 to give Linda, my editor, a quick lesson in knitting. I just couldn’t help myself, I wasn’t ready to accept that my teaching was over for this trip! After she’d mistressed the knit and purl and even did a few rows of ribbing it was back in the PT Cruiser and back on the road again!
When I pulled into my driveway this evening I thought I would cry. The kids did. Gerry’s taking tomorrow off – and I am very happy!