I am in love with the Buffalo Knitting Guild!
I had the nicest day today – I taught two classes (Combo Knitting and Cocoon Jacket) and had VERY full houses for both of them – busy day! I’m still fighting with this cold thing that has occupied my sinuses and lungs for over a week now (gets better, gets worse, gets better, gets worse) so instead of going out to dinner with a group from the Guild, I opted to just go home and sleep. I stopped on the way for Chinese food – SO good – and now I’m tucked into bed, in my PJ’s, listening to a British Mystery on CD with a book at the ready. I was going to knit, but I think instead I’ll just read and sleep.
The best thing for recovery is sleep – sleep makes any sickness better (maybe not, but I’m loving this futon bed right now and I’m as happy as a clam!)
I felt so much love back from the guild – I think everyone had a really good time; lots of laughs, lots of skills learned and some cool little dickies/ponchos made (swatches for the cocoon jacket). Just a great and fun day overall.
And the best part? I have plenty of Chinese food leftover for lunch tomorrow. Life is good.