I am very happy.
After teaching two classes today – both to amazing groups for the Buffalo Knitting Guild – I drove up to Rochester. The lace class was fun, the millinery class was a – challenge – for everyone, but it was also very rewarding. Sometimes the hard things are hard because you just have to fight through them. But with a little hand holding you can get there, and – like so many hard things – millinery has a pretty steep learning curve. Once you grasp some of the basic wire attaching concepts, you move foward SO quickly that it’s very exciting.
So off to Rochester I drove – a lovely afternoon, pretty farms, nice light, just a beautiful spring evening.
I arrived at The Inn On Broadway this evening, what a great place! It’s just lovely, the building is great, and my room is luxurious. When I walked in there was a hand-sewn knitting bag full of Rochester goodies from Wild Wools (where I’m teahcing tomorrow) and some lovely flowers.
I love a nice bathroom. As a matter of fact, give me a nice bathroom in a hotel room and I can practically do without a bed. The bathroom here is fabu. I’ve already had a nice, long, hot bath and now I’m relaxing in one of the most comfortable armchairs I’ve evern sat in. I may just sleep in the chair (except the bed looks so cushy)
Man, these are the times when I’d give anything to have Gerry here to share this! But then again, it will be nice to have the bed to myself…
Tony Soprano Made Me Cry
We don’t have cable, so I only get to see The Soprano’s when I’m on the road. Eh – I live in Essex County – so I can enjoy a certain Soprano-esqu atmosphere most days, anyway…
Tonight I was watching for the first time all season and TS – who apparently was in a coma – got out of the hospital and while sitting in his wheelchair said to his sister, “I was supposed to be dead, but I’m alive. From now on every day is a gift…”
I cried. Tomorrow, April 3rd, would have been my brother’s 47th birthday. He’s been on my mind a lot this week – I miss you, Jimmy!