Well, not really cheap, inexpensive.
Village Yarns in Toronto is a wonderful shop – just lovely! The absolute best thing about what I do is meeting students and visiting yarn shops, seeing a new selection of yarns wherever I go and seeing the different personalites that shops acquire through their palette and yarn choices. Village Yarns is eclectic, but very richly stocked with many beautiful yarns that I haven’t had a chance to play with yet (can’t wait to check out hand maiden yarns – woo hoo!)
The first class, the cocoon jacket, went swimmingly. It was a VERY large group (or maybe it’s just that the space was divided up in an interesting way) but – as I’ve come to expect from the erstwhile Canadian – everything was picked up SO quickly. The lone American in the group did me proud, though (whew!)
After an amazing and tasty lunch, we settled in for class #2 – the Corset. Whether it was the food, the slightly warm room or too much concentration, it seemed that everyone could have benefitted from a little nap. I know I would have…
But we worked through a chart, the swearing was minimal and I veered into Mom mode several times (honey…)
After a little break in the class I ended by showing some crochet tricks for working edging and interesting chain decoration, then some book signing and all around hugging. I was told I’m huggy – but that’s just us effusive and demonstrative Americans – what DO we call ourselves? Statesians?
I leapt into the Cruiser and was off – my goal was to get pretty far into NY State so that my drive tomorrow is shorter and I see my kids (& Gerry) as soon as possible. I was NOT thinking, though, and instead of taking the highway to Hamilton I went off toward London. Beautiful. Or should I say, “Beauty!” I’m old.
This detour gave me a chance to do some back-road driving, though, and see some beautiful country and drive through very scenic little villages with lovely stone houses and buildings. And a few white horses and some big plow horses, too!
At one point (on Rt 8 East) I turned a corner and suddenly in front of me was a panorama of a wide valley with the lake in the background – so beautiful. It was worth the extra driving time!
Gas is sold by the liter – it took 48 liters to fill up my car (12-1/2 gallons), it cost me $50C ($43US) and THAT was quite a jolt. Generally in Jersey a fill up costs me about $30. How much of that was used up by my sight seeing tour is anyone’s guess. This is a fun site I’ve been using over the past few days to stay sane.
Coming across the border the guard was unimpressed by the fact I’d been to Toronto to visit yarn shops (“Okay, you can go.”) so I didn’t have to panic. I’m terrible under border crossing pressure. All of those WWII French Resistance movies I’ve seen.
I made it as far as Rochester (Gerry pegged it!) before exhaustion compelled me to turn into a Microtel for a $49 room for the night ($55 less the AAA discount = $49, which would be $56C). What can I say – I’m a cheap date.
With any luck I’ll be up early (continental breakfast – but which continent?) and get to NJ in lots of time for hugs, kisses and kid fun.
The kids are off of school this week, so I’ll have lots of time to make up with them – hmmm, maybe a road trip? NOT!