I made my daughter very happy tonight.
I told her I was going to go hear the Yarn Harlot speak, and she wanted to come so badly that I brought her (I’d called and saved 2 seats, and my friend Ami couldn’t make it, so it was square…)
We arrived at the Rutherford library a little early, so we found good seats. Hannah was afraid she’d be bored (after begging to come…) so she checked out the Children’s Library but eventually decided to sit with me and crochet. I ran into a few knitting buddies, saw a lot of friendly faces, but most of all I enjoyed a great talk by Stephanie Pearl McPhee (aka, The Yarn Harlot)
Hannah turned to me, laughing, with shining eyes and asked, “Mom, is she a comedian?” – she giggled so hard through the talk that she turned bright red (Hannah, not Stephanie) and we all got to admire the Olympic Sweater close up and personal. She said it had made her cry (Stephanie, not Hannah) and called it her “biggest knitting mistake.” Mistake or not – it was absolutely gorgeous!Hannah was first in line for a book (the wrong line, but eventually she got straightened out.) and hugged it all the way home. As we left the library, the line of folks waiting to shake Stephanie’s hand and get a book signed circled the room (and some mysterious woman in a green shirt popped up in every photo that I took!)
The talk was very funny – at one point SPM wondered if those who meet her and hear what she does for a living might misunderstand and think she’s a “fitter” – not knitter. I laughed – along with everyone else – then as I put my car in gear to pull out I saw this sign and thought – “That’s fitting!”
Happy MotoringThis is reason #1 why I was glad to cross the NJ border on the way home. Every station is full service – love that!