Tomorrow I’ll write about Creative Fibers – where I taught a warm and loving class last night. It was low-key, but everyone in the class was so dear, I felt as though I were with a group of friends I’d known for years! I’m teaching there tonight – after I spend the day in the Minneapolis Parks – and I’m really looking forward to it! Colorwork is tonight – always a blast – prepare to be plaided!
Jennie the potter picked me up at my luxurious motel yesterday morning and we began our tour of the Twin Cities. My day was perfect early on when I was able to get a steaming bowl of oatmeal for breakfast at a local cafe (of course I’ve forgotten the name…) and it was DELICIOUS! I love oatmeal.
She is the perfect tour guide for the Twin Cities – she has such a deep love for this place; the parks (!), the architecture, the communities, the neighborhoods. Anyone who comes to MN should make Jennie their tourguide. It’s hard for me to express my thanks to her for spending a whole day driving me around (and with gas prices as they are, that’s nothing to sneeze at!)
Jennie works for the parks department, teaching pottery, and has lived here for most of her life. She drove me around so many beautiful parks and we visited Minniehaha falls – amazing! Because of the heavy rains over the past week the creek levels are high, and the falls are more powerful than she’d seen them. I found them stunning – very much like falls I’ve visited in West Virginia.
I think I was most impressed with the Longfellow neighborhood – all of them were lovely, but this one seemed the most like South Orange and it would be extraordinary if we could find a nice place around here. Of course, there’s the whole JOB thing.
One thing I’ve learned about Minnesota knitters is that they’re SERIOUS about what they do! Not dour, but very serious and quite enthusiastic. Every yarn shop I walk into here is well stocked with yarns I’d LOVE to use – a lot of which are new to me – and spinning, dyeing and weaving supplies, too! Jennie took me to the Textile Center – an amazing place – and we visited the library and the gift shop. They have a pretty extensive class list; weaving, knitting, quilting; beading – all kinds of fiber and textile arts!
We also stopped into Borealis Yarns – I was going to visit there on Sunday for the Community Knit, but I found myself just visiting neighborhoods instead. I found two cute clear plastic cases – yay! I needed one for makeup and one for knitting notions. I also found some size 9 metal needles, not easy to locate, and snapped them up. I do love my metal needles…
JUCY LUCYI was a jucy virgin. Matt’s bar is a dark and friendly place – if Gerry visited it he’d want to live across the street, it’s definitely HIS kind of place! – and they’ve perfected the Jucy Lucy. It’s a burger with the cheese right inside, and the fries are KILLER! I seriously doubt whether I’ll be able to fit into my seat on the plane on the way home.
Now I’m off – I just did my laundry here at ol’ Comfort Inn and I’m off to explore some hot doings on a beautiful, sunny day in this most amazing place!