Angelfire StudiosYesterday was a luxurious day – I taught a class at a magnificent yarn shop, I only had to drive 30 minutes to get there, I had an exceptionally fun and high spirited group of students and we laughed so hard I thought we’d break some of the cool pottery that graces this yarn & fiber shop / pottery studio!
I’ve always been stumped by how few yarn shops there seem to be in NJ – more are popping up, but when I compare my own area to other parts of the country sometimes I wonder wha’s up with NJ?
I’ve taught locally at Modern Yarn, Knit a Bit, Sit & Knit (now, sadly, gone) and All About Yarn, and I’ll be teaching at the North Country Spinners NJ FIber Fallout later this year – but I hadn’t visited Angelfire Studios
I was so impressed with the shop, with Justine (the owner) and with the good cheer and positive energy of the students and other staff who participated in the class. It was such a lovely afternoon (in a really cool shopping center with good parking – even with a big event going on in the common area) that I could have stayed there all day!
I was also impressed that – although her stock is not as extensive as some shops I’ve visited – she’s been very intelligent and passionate about her choices. I can honestly say that I would pick up any yarn in her shop and happily knit up something for ME out of it (and – like most of us – I don’t knit enough for ME!) Angelfire has become one of my new favorite local yarn shops!
Ironically, it has become my habit to stop at this particular shopping center in Basking Ridge every time I drive out West from South Orange. Usually I take Rt 78 out to Harrisburg, and just about the time I hit exit 36 I’m ready to settle in with a cup of coffee for the trip (the coffee places near me are such a hassel to get into and out of, it can add 45 minutes to my drive time)
Drew has convinced me to forego coffee – and I don’t drink it at home any more (I’m a passionate tea snob and carry my Yorkshire Gold with me in a baggie when I travel!) However, like a partially observant Jew in the 50’s who only keeps Kosher at home, I break my resolve and enjoy a cup of the fine brew when I’m traveling. I’d rather get my coffee on the road, and there just happens to be an excellent Dunkin’ Donuts in Basking Ridge not far off the highway – and right near Angelfire Studios!
So when I leave this Friday to drive out to Ohio (Oy! I have to go to the library and get some books on tape!!) I’ll make my usual stop at the Dewey Meadow Shopping Plaza for an iced coffee and – if she’s open at 8:45 – I’ll pop in and say “HI!” to Justine again.