Tomorrow I leave for a long 3 weeks, but Gerry and the kids will be joining me partway through for a week at Cedar Point and Mackinaw City, so it’s not as long away as it seems!
I’m doing my last minute scheduling, checking the teaching dates, etc., and it was pointed out to me that I never listed or publicized my final gig in Pittsburgh, PA!
This is quite an omission – I LOVE Pittsburgh (I used to live in Squirrel Hill, where this shop is) and I’m really looking forward to being back in town for a short bit on my way back to NJ from TNNA. Here are the details of the Pittsburgh Engagement:
Knit One
2721 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Combination Knitting
Tuesday, 6/13/2006
1 o’clock (3 hour class)
Cable Mania (Look Mom, No Needle!)
Tuesday, 6/13/2006
6:30 o’clock (3 hour class)
For reservations call 412-421-6666 which is a frighteningly easy phone number to remember. Hmmm, I wonder if she delivers…
I realize one is a mid-day class and the other a mid-week evening class, and these are hard for some folks. But on the other hand they’re much easier for others, so it’s aways a crap shoot figuring out what days to hold a class. I hope if you’re in the area you’ll give Stacey at Knit One a call or email her to reserve a space in the class. The last I heard from her they were going pretty fast and we’d like to keep the classes to a manageable size!
Blue Bell
I had the nicest time yesterday down in PA, out in the wilds of Blue Bell, amid the road construction with a bunch of wild knitters and one adorable baby! You KNOW you’re among friends when one older woman comments drily, “Oh, she’s a screamer…” after a particularly loud “woohoo!” of mine. I do love to woohoo
I ran them through their paces, took them into the wilderness of colorwork and back out through the misunderstood swamplands surrounding finishing, and they kept up! Bravo, ladies!
Lunch was delicious – give my compliments to the chef at Costco – and I left happy with a beautiful day to drive home in a fun car along winding country roads. Who could ask for anything more?
Load ’em up! Move ’em out!
Today I pack the car. Books, books, yarn, tools, books, handouts, books, clothes, personal sundries, books, a pillow, and some more yarn. And some books on tape. I need to stop by the library and my pharmacy to get the necessities before I go, but all in all I feel like it’s a drill that I’ve memorized. Then tomorrow morning as soon as the kidlets are on the bus, I scoot off to Cinncinnati (eta is 7:00 pm, lets see how I do!) and a big block of teaching at Lambikins Hideaway. Rollin, rollin, rollin –
I’ll be careful about the speeding – for many reasons – but high in my mind right now is the ticket my husband got the other morning as he was driving to work at 3:30 am. He was going 42 in a 25 mph zone. The damage? $483. Yes, you read right, $483. NJ has a $250 surcharge on every ticket to raise money for our thin coffers. When he told me he said, “I know, you have one word for me – Minnesota.”