. . . and here are the kids to prove it . . .
This is the picture on my desktop right now – it captures both kids extraorinarily well!
Gerry’s set up the latest Operating System on my mac, so have the updated V2.4 of Mail for Mac, and that makes me VERY happy! At last, my right arm is complete again…
I had been using an older version which was just this much too clunky (I couldn’t do the searches I wanted, it wouldn’t import correctly without a lot of massaging, etc.) but now I am good to go. Woohoo!
I’m basking – and getting my next two projects worked up for the Folks Knits book that Mags Kandis is editing (groovy!) plus a few submissions worked up. And I’m LOVING my office downstairs. On the hottest days it will be COOL down there (and it’s right by the furnace, so it stays warm in the basement, too!) We’re taking my old office (the breakfast nook) and turning it into a yarn room, thereby turning the dining room into – you guessed it – a dining room! Quel concept.
Yep, just about the time we get this house perky and beautiful and managable, we’ll be thinking of moving.
I’m trying to put together book signings for Twist & Loop. Some are wandering by on their own, but it would be lovely to be able to put together some teaching dates in Boston in December and DC sometime this Fall. If you know of a yarn or book shop that you feel would like to have me, email me and let me know!
And now back to my regularly scheduled sleeping. It feels SO good to catch up. Of course, both days this weekend the painter guys are here so we’re getting up at 7:00 anyway. And of course we’re spending the day packing stuff and moving it to a new room, then unpacking other stuff and putting it away. I’m thinking of it as a dress rehearsal for moving.