This past Sat & Sun was a celebration of Romantic Knit corrections from my tech editor (actually the corrections come in the form of questions, much like Jeopardy) and I have to answer them in a timely manner. Here are the rules:
– I have to be nice.
– I have to look up any math weirdnesses (and there are WEIRD math discrepancies…) and fix (!) them
– I have to make decisions on verbiage that may or may not have been relatively unclear (like this sentence)
– I can’t buzz in before the question is complete
And, at the same time, the lasers (galleys) for Men Who Knit came in on Thurs and HAD to be returned by 2:00 on Sat. It was fun times, let me tell you. Actually, the book looks extraordinary and I am absolutely THRILLED with the job Lark has done!
The way Romantic Hand Knits is configured the hardest patterns are in Chapter 1, then the medium hard ones, then the relatively easy ones. Not to knit – hard and easy to WRITE and EDIT! Several of the patterns in Chapter 1 were products of multiple knit attempts, and that always screws up the numbers because I’m inputting in a scattered state of miind.
But we got through all of it – hooray! Now I’ve started refining the non-pattern stuff (like all the bits in between the songs in a musical) The whole goya beanery has to be into my editors hot little hands by Friday (but she didn’t specify what time…) and yesterday she dropped the bomb that the illustrations have to be worked up in illustrator. Afraid not. I used appleworks for the past book, I’ll do it for this one – besides, the illustrations I turn in are just supposed to be a reference for THEIR illustrator to refine! Oy.
I also have two sweaters for Folk Style that I’ve been working on between the book edits, and that Emmy dress (for which the yarn arrived yesterday) needs to be whipped up. Whip, whip, whip! I also decided that I HATED the lace mitts I’d done for the book, so I reknit them (and now I hate THESE mitts, but only the color, which is easy to change…) and that was a few hours gone by.
I wish I were as fast as this spider. I remove her web every night, and the next day she’s got a whole new one, just as big and just as full of moths and flies. Good eatin’ at my house!
This morning I took a nice walk with the newly trimmed doggie while the kids slept. What a lovely day we’ll have today – relatively cool, low-ish humidity – a perfect day to compile the pieces of a book. I hope the weather is as nice at the end of next week when we have the shoot for Romantic Knits. We’re shooting out on Long Island, at Westbury Gardens (about 10 years ago I went to a dinner there – isn’t that odd?) The kids are out of camp, so I’m not sure WHAT I’ll do with them on those days. Gerry may be home one day and I may take them with me for a little visit to grandma’s (she lives 10 miles from the shoot) on one of the days. Gerry could drive out and meet us after work and then we could all go out to dinner!
These are the models for the shoot – they’re absolutely lovely! I can’t wait to meet them in person and see all of my sweaters on them (not at the same time.) I don’t have cable, but for two weeks NBC ran Project Runway in their Monday night lineup and it just took 2 shows for me to get hooked.
I’m not ready to spring for cable yet, but I DID order the first season of the show from Netflix. Disc 1 arrived last week and my friend Athena came over and watched it with Hannah and me. (I ADORE that show! How can I get on it!???) It’s so fascinating to see the interaction between the models and the designers (I think they’re sort of pushihng the model stuff, though – I watch it for the CLOTHES and the DESIGNING ANGST!) I wonder if either of “my” models have been on the show…?