Yes, I heard those words spoken today in total seriousness. I told the model sotto voce that lack of neck crease is KEY to being a good hand knit model. She laughed – yay! The models were gorgeous, the hair and makeup stunning, the styling was edgy and creative and the photography seems amazing (hard to tell until the finals come back, but the polaroids look WONDERFUL!
I waffle between feeling like a useless moron (I was introduced repeatedly to the crew as, “The Knitter”), vital to the endeavor (I made some nice decisions about garment fit) and a stick in the spokes (I didn’t like a white [WHITE] cloche hat and my dislike of it seemed to be the cause of some slightly hard feelings. They’ll mend. It’s life. I hated being Ms. Bad Guy, but really, the model looked like a Vegas Bobby – all the hat needed was a badge – and you know when I don’t like a hat it’s a hard-to-love hat…)
But overall it was good I was there. Sort of. Yes. Of course.
I’m going back tomorrow. Wish me luck. I’m tired. I have to knit.
At one point a group of older women walked by, were intruiged by the shoot and watched a while. I felt like I had groupies.