They say that after a vacation you need a vacation, and that’s the case for us! We spent our time running, running, running – checking under sinks and looking for damp spots in basements.
When we arrived home we hit the ground running – Gerry’s just about painted the finished room in the basement (it really did need a coat of paint!) AND the stairway down to the basement (above and BEYOND the call of duty!) and today – even though I haven’t done as much as I might – I find myself utterly exhausted! Pooped!! My brain and body are fried, I could sleep all day and night and day again?
And just when I was getting used to the luxury of late mornings, school starts again! Back to getting up at 6:30 so I can get the kids up at 7:00 to catch the bus a little after 8:00. The whole world of baths and early bedtimes and schedules is back – my Virgo self is happy about this, but my lazy self just wants to laze in bed until 7:30 every day (8:30 on weekends – kids change everything!)
This weekend I’ll be teaching a crocheted leaf scarf class at Cornwall Yarn Shop up on the Hudson River, then after the class we’ll have a delightful cruise along the Hudson River, making our crocheted leaves and enjoying the beautiful weather (cross your fingers that we’ll have sun!)
The following week I’ll be back up in Westchester for a lace workshop at Sticks & Strings (with a sneak preview of a motif I used in a scarf in Romantic Knits), and then the week after that I’ll be up at the Westchester Knitting Guild. It’s a very New York kind of month for me!
Is anyone out there a keynote guru? I’d like to put together some presentations to make my classes more exciting, and I’ve never used keynote (but being on a mac, it seems like a good app to play around with…) I’d love to hear any tips that you’ve gleaned as you work with this – it seems to have worked well for Al Gore!
Now backto my crocheted leaves – and pattern writing!