Because of a contagious condition that’s going around my daughter’s school, we changed our plans and had a evening movie-watching party instead of the previously planned sleepover. I need to send a BIG thank you bouquet to the school nurse! Everyone had a terrific time, and I think it was a little bit of a thrill for the girls to attend their first sort of grown-up-ish evening girlfriend party (arrival at 7:00pm, movie, cake, gifts, then home at 10:00pm) We watched Bewitched it was better than I expected.
It was actually very sweet to see some of the girls hiding their yawns – “I’m not tired!” – as they left with assorted Dads and Moms.
Hannah had a blast, and in the overall scheme of life I think it was a big bonus that the party WASN’T a sleepover. There’s so much angst and drama, this way it was much calmer and happier!
Thanks to everyone who left Happy Birthday wishes for my little girl – she was SO happy to read them, and it just added to the thrill of the day.
Knitting for ME!
VI’m sort of between projects now, just small stuff (uh, like taxes…) So I’m getting some gift knitting done, something I rarely have time for. I’m working on a little dress for my Twist & Loop art director (she just had a baby girl, and WHAT a little beauty she is!)
I’m also making a malabrigo sweater for our friend’s son – he’s been part of the family now for a year, adopted last September from Guatamala, and life is much fuller now that Carlos is part of the G household! I don’t know if it’s a general trend, I tend to think my kids’ school is a little different, but we have SO many beautiful adopted kids in our community. And, of course, there’s my own amazing adopted nephew (Hey Alex!)
When Jim and Karen brought him hom I was stunned by how much he looked like Jim at 11 – breathtaking – and Jim said no one else but he and I seemed to see it. I miss my brother so much. It’s odd how sometimes it feels as if I’m just now realizing that he’s gone…
I’m also thinking I’m going to make myself a nice scarf – I’m working on one with this kooky ribbon yarn which I love, and when the scarf is finished I promise I’ll post the pattern on my blog for free. If all goes as hoped it will look like a bouquet of roses at the neck.
Tomorrow is a no-school day, so it’s sleep in time and we’ll probably spend a lot of time at the dog run. Atticus is LOVING the fact that we have a new place for him to make friends, this doggie run is ALWAYS crowded! There’s a notice up about a poor small dog that was attacked by a black standard poodle (NOT Atticus!) so whenever we go there we get some scared looks. But Atticus is such a sweetheart, and so friendly to all of the owners, that after a few minutes everyone realizes he’s NOT the standard in question and they relax.
There was an amazing GIANT Schnauzer at the park – I’d never seen one, it’s a beautiful breed!
You’ve Got Mail!
The leaves are out, and down, and falling, and I love them. This is the absolute hands-down best time of the year for me – I just adore it! If you signed up for my newsletter, then you should have received the first one – my Autumn Newsletter (woo woo!) In it I announce my new calendar – a better (hopefully) way to display upcoming appearances and classes, and also make it easier for shops and venues to tell at a glance when I may be in their area and free! What do you think?