I still have the stupid sore throat. Ick. And I can feel the soreness in my ears when I swallow, so I definitely have to get this all cleared up before I fly on Friday. Appt with Doctor tomorrow – yahoo!
I do have to say, though, that it’s a minor miracle that I haven’t been really sick yet so far this year. Usually by late Oct I have bronchitis – but this year just the usual I-have-two-kids-in-school sniffles (and this sore throat) The weather’s been so warm here that trees and flowers are budding, but they’ll get a rude awakening when the freeze comes. Perhaps this is NJ’s way of trying to seduce us into staying?
I’m finishing up a shawl for IK Crochet – it’s coming along so beautifully and I’m loving working with the LaLana Phat Silk Fine and the shiny glass beads! I swear, I’m such a magpie! The Princes of Ireland has been my audio book companion for this piece, it’s a great listen while knitting!
My listening and computer enjoyment, though, was put on hold for a bit this weekend and major disaster was narrowly averted when I spilled some eggnog on my computer while writing an essay on interfaith celebrations for the holidays. Divine intervention? Or perhaps that was what kept my computer from being ruined…? At any rate, it was very ironic and – after drying out the computer overnight and finding that it’s okay – amusing. Yeah, veryamusing. I love my mac.
I finished the not-quite-so-rough draft of the mitered bag pattern which I promised earlier. When the pattern is finished I’ll offer it for sale, with all proceeds going to Heifer.org (an organization I love to support!)
I’ve got my 15 testers – thanks!I’ve worked through the pattern twice so far, but haven’t had it tested by anyone. If you’re inclined to want to give it a try, I’ll send a copy to the first 15 folks who email me in exchange for any corrections they may find in the pattern. It’s a fun little pattern – it’s universal (meaning you can use any yarn and needles and adjust the size of the bag from tiny to very, very large quite easily…) When you send the corrections, though, be kind…