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When both of the ends of the candle are lit, it’s hard to write entries in the blog.
It’s been QUITE a week – lots of work, lots of company, lots of fun and a little angst. That’s to be expected whenever there’s family, liquor in an enclosed space…
My sister in law and nephew have been here – for the most part having a heck of a good time and eating as much crap as we can shove into them. Ah, the holidays…
My cousin was up for just a day and a half, but it was so tremendous to have what’s left of my family together for Christmas that it made everything worth it. Of course, I wasn’t the one who had to take FOUR PLANES from West Virginia just to make the visit happen… Thanks so much for coming, Jan!
But the Main Event was the actual opening of the gifts on Christmas (and on the few days before – residual Hanukkah gifts…) It seemed to be a nice amount, no one was overwhelmed, no one felt bereft and lacking, and we all realize just how lucky we are.
So I’m taking a few more ‘personal days’ before I leap back into my knitting life. Work progresses on several projects, I’m a little slow on some others (but I’ll catch up!) Today I actually went to see The Pursuit of Happyness with my sister in law, Hannah and Alex (my nephew). And I cried. It was a lovely movie.