Being a Virgo, and of Dutch ancestry, planning is one of my strengths. I love to spend time arranging, estimating, measuring, creating conditional options – I would have made a terrific Quartermaster.
Last night as I was getting ready for bed I started working up a floorplan of the new house, based on my photographs and the measurements listed by the realtor (which were just about the same as my own unscientific “shoe” measure.)
Seeing a ground plan makes me calm – it helps me feel secure that our furniture WILL fit, that we WILL be able to enjoy and appreciate a slightly smaller house, and that we won’t feel cramped. If I hadn’t been the impetus for this move, I wouldn’t have the stress level I’m currently feeling.
After we’d signed the papers to go into contract and Joe & Jennie took me over to see the house again, I was incredibly happy – and very nervous. It’s not really like me to be nervous like this over a well considered decision. It’s true that we made the actual decision on this house rather quickly, but we had come to our list of requirements in a house (which this one fills beautifully) after months of considering what is truly important to our family.
And now with this stress comes a certain paralyzing feeling. I know I should be packing boxes, working on some pieces due for deadline and preparing for my next trip – but all I want to do is sit and stare at the beautiful snow outside. I can’t even seem to get myself in gear to have lunch with a good friend.
Mentally, I’m raring to go – physically, I think I need another day or so to decompress after the last week, put it all in perspective, and stop fretting over things that I can’t control.