I went to my doctor yesterday – I like her very much. It was a great visit, she feels that aside from some burcitis (how DO you spell that??) on my left knee and perhaps an electrolyte imbalance, I’m probably A-OK. They took blood to check my electrolyte levels, she gave me some exercises to do for my leg pain, and as the amount of physical work here subsides I’m certain that my leg pains will, too!
At one point she asked what I did for a living and I started explaining. Usually when I tell a doctor or some other professional what I do either their eyes glaze over (mostly men) or they get a look on their face like they’re talking to the village idiot and say, “That’s so NICE that you can make a little money knitting…” Yeah.
But yesterday the reaction was pretty cool. She was actually interested. I showed her one of the flip books and she went and got several other folks at the clinic who are knitters (if you were left sitting half naked in waiting room #3, I apologize) and they all ooo-ed and ahhh-ed over the books and my latest project. That’s a totally new reaction for me, and it was, I must admit, quite nice.
Some of them promised to come to the Yarnery on 3/16 when they’re having a “welcome to the neighborhood” event for me – cool! It’s so great of them – and I still haven’t gotten my sad knitting butt to ANY of the yarn shops in town in the past 2 weeks – let alone the one that is now a short walk from my house! (I’m sorry Linda – I promise I’ll get out to Yarnzilla soon and show you the progress on the Malabrigo jacket!)
If anyone wants to come by the Yarnery on Friday, 3/16 in the evening (I think around 6:30 – I’m not sure…) please do! It will be great to see you / meet you in person!
And now I’m off to figure out the inns and outs of my new bank account. I hope I don’t humiliate myself by breaking out into the Wells Fargo Wagon song while I’m on line!