I’m staying in Swiss Purgatory. Actually, not really, it’s not even bad.
But it is doggedly and determinedly decorated with murals of Peter and Clara and Heidi, lots of paintings of mountains and a huge hole in the ice machine. Must have been an avalanche.
I can’t get internet unless I go downstairs to the business center (you can tell it’s the business center because there’s a sign that says, “Business Center” and clip art of a 1950’s business-man with a briefcase on the door) In the business center there’s a computer, a lamp and a printer. Biz-ness? Biz-YES!
For some reason – evidently known only to Swiss Businessmen – loud yodeling is piped from the speaker in the ceiling (perhaps these are former guests/businessmen, in the 4th level of hell – the yodeling level?) My personal theory is that the music is used as a guarantee that the biz-ness center will be vacant most of the time. I could take about 20 minutes of it before I fled. Grandfather, GRANDFATHER??
Day 2
… of classes for Knitters Treat were wonderful!
With a few new faces, we went through Mutt Luks this morning (a class mostly on a new toe up cast on, using 2 circs, a new increase, a short row heel and a different kind of quasi-elastic bind off), then we moved on to Embellishments this afternoon. I was VERY proud of the class – after the lunch we had (AMAZING!! RUN, DO NOT WALK, TO THE DINING ROOM AT 209 MAIN STREET!)
I wouldn’t have been surprised if the attendees would have laid down and napped after the delicious chicken salad and chocolate cake (Okay, for the record, ONE attendee did lay down, but I would have, too!)
The group kept pace, and since it wasn’t a huge group, I was able to give everyone a nice amount of personal time. All in all, one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve taught – we all had such a comfortable, friendly time!
Ruth has done a lovely job of gathering some excellent knitters & excellent people!
I neglected to display some of the beautiful photographs I’ve taken lately – so here they are!
This is the Bishop O’Connor center grounds on the foggy morning…
And a few photos of the cloister joined as a photoshop montage.
My nightly cocktail of Emergen-C and Airborne – it’s kept me healthy so far this year!
The field by Ruth Syber’s daughter’s house – they have a beautiful piece of land, and this was a lovely Spring evening!
A horse outside of the New Glarus Brewing Company. I bought a sixpack of Spotted Cow and another mixed of some of their other beers. Yum!