I can slipcover just about anything. It’s one of my gifts – I discovered this in college, and it’s the same basic skill that allows me to pack a car to within an inch of it’s life, and tell whether a specific box will easily slide into a seemingly too narrow opening.
I am a spacial goddess. If I were a super-heroine, this would be my skill.
So today I was in hog heaven at SR Harris Fabrics up in Brooklyn Park, rooting through forests of fabrics, lining up patterns, rejecting mis-matches, trying new colors – what FUN!
It was as much fun as shopping for fabric in the basement of one of my favorite NY upholstery digs, but with MORE ROOM TO SPREAD OUT! Woo.
And I had a coupon.
I’m not usually a big coupon user – I find them annoying, a little tricky and I end up buying things I don’t really need. So I avoid them, to be honest. But there were some online coupons I downloaded for SR Harris, and ALL of my fabric ended up being $6.68/yd.
And it is some Nii-iice stuff.
Once I came home and spread out my purchases, I realized that the colors are all beautifully represented in our living room rug, and life is good. Tomorrow I start the slipcover parade. My idea is to mix and match the fabrics so that each piece in the living room has a blend of patterns.
But that may be insane, so I may just end up covering each piece in its’ own specific fabric and use throw pillows to bring all of it together. Eh – we’ll see how breakfast agrees with me…
… and where will I have my breakfast? Why, on my BRAND NEW DINING ROOM TABLE!
Okay, not new, not at all. It’s a craig’s list purchase – sanctioned by Gerry – and it is inexpensive and scratched enough that if I decide to go through with my insane (more insanity?) plot to cover a table with copper, this would be a good one to practice on.
In the mean time I think I’ll sand the top and paint it so we have something a little nicer to look at…
Gigi obviously likes it. And she likes the fabric, too… And, why look behind her – it’s the lovely mission file cabinet I put together yesterday!