So many awful things happen in April – and now a shooting of such magnitude in Virginia.
I know no more about it than anyone else, I have nothing insightful to say, but I didn’t want to gloss over something that is probably on everyone’s mind this evening. What a waste.
Heaven help the victims, the families of the victims, and the shooter. I hope that the community in Virginia is able to mirror the healing & forgiving attitude of the Amish community after the horrible shoting in Pennsylvania last year.
I don’t know if I’d have the strength to react that way, but I like to think that I’d try.
Knitting Stuff et al
I sent off a few projects today – we met with Gerry’s doctor and the application for disability seems to be a long, long road of paper & documentation. The big event today was Gerry and I went to Menards (can I get enough of that place?) and he walked around pushing a cart while we looked at showers, outdoor tables and garbage cans.
Then on to Target for the search for the perfect windbreaker for Gerry – we didn’t find it.
I have never felt more like a retired couple in my life, we may as well have stopped at Denny’s for the early bird special. The nausea medicine has been working well and for 2 evenings Gerry’s had a nice, regular dinner. We’ll have to start a new blog – – and we’ll finally be the surreal, edgy heroes of the counter culture. Speaking of Heroes, WHEN is that show coming back on!
Doggie Stuff
I took Atticus for a nice, long walk this morning – after repairing his leash. The dog has sharp teeth, and he knows how to use them! He can bite through a leash in seconds, and it’s high time we got a chain leash for him!
Here is the repair I did on the leash a few days ago – note that I’m using SCREWS, obviously I’m a little too hardware-oriented these days. The next image was taken at the end of the walk – just look at that guilty dog – after he’d chewed through the leash yet again and I had to tie it together to walk him home.
How did I know he’d chewed through the leash? Why, he strolled into Wuollet’s when I was buying a danish for Gerry. (Check out
School Stuff
We met with Hannah’s teacher for our Parent Teacher conference (we’d put it off last week) and were happy to hear that academically she’s doing pretty well. She does have to work on the respect-for-teacher angle (it’s not that she’s disrespectful as much as very independent – but that, in itself, can present problems in a classroom and she needs to understand how difficult it can make things!) And we also have to work on her writing – it’s good, just not as detail filled as we know she can do. I’m beginning to understand why she likes to write poetry – less words…
And now back to my own knitting on another project – this one was due in June, but the deadline’s been pushed back to May 5th, so I’ll be rushing a bit. It’s lovely yarn, though, so it’s a dream to work fast through it. We have more tests this week, more excellent knitting time. And good heavens, am I glad to have my iPod!
Special Note:
For those of you who have been writing with good thoughts and excellent suggestions – thank you so much!
I’m sorry if I haven’t gotten back to all of you, my computer time is sorely curtailed these days, I’m not able to answer all of my emails let alone write thank you notes for your kindness, but I really will try to answer each of you!
And for those of you just thinking good thoughts – thank you so much!