Our plans on this hot, hot Father’s Day? Why, to go to a movie, of course! We’re thinking we’ll take the kids to see Pirates of the Caribbean. If Ger thinks he can sit for that long (doubt it) then we’ll join them. Otherwise we’ll drop them off then go have a cup of coffee and pick them up later. Hot days.
Atticus is getting trimmed, Gerry’s reading the Times & the Press, Max is watching cartoons and we gave G his gifts of shirts (that fit! – he’s so thin now) and the new Al Gore book.
I figured today – Father’s Day – would be a good time to release the Red Carpet Convertible pattern.
Here’s where I’ve put some pithy details about the pattern.
You can make a donation if you like (minimum donation is $4.50) and download the pattern right here from the blog, or from the info page.
I apologize if the initial logistics of this are wacky – I’m still figuring out how to do the donation thing with paypal.
And now back to some hot knitting.